Where are you now? (Mary Higgins Clark)

Abstract: It has been ten years since 21-year-old Mack went missing. A columbia University senior, he walked out of his college room and has not been seen since. Every year he calls his mother on Mother’s Day, assures her he is fine, refuses to answer her frenzied questions, then hangs up. Even the death of his father on 9/11 does not bring him home. Mack’s sister, Caroline, has now endured two family tragedies. Determined to solve the mystery surrounding her brother’s disappearance, she sets out to discover the truth. But with it comes a secret that someone will do anything to protect, leading her to a deadly confrontation with an unexpected enemy…

My Thoughts: There are three different types of crime novels: The ones in which you read from the perspective of the murderer and you know from the beginning who it is but all the other characters in the plot do not have a clue. Then there are the ones where you are in the same position as all these characters and the third form is when you get some bits and pieces of information of the murderer throughout the story but nothing really concrete. Where are you now is one of those crime stories. There are some chapters in which you read from the perspective of the murderer but that just gives you more puzzles to solve. The novel is, as usually done by Mary Higgins Clark, written in a lot of short chapters. Each chapter deals with another person. In the beginning this is always confusing because you get to know so many characters at once and have to keep track of them but on the other hand it makes it really interesting and compelling because you always want to know more and keep reading!

So far, I was never able to figure out the murderer by myself. I didn’t make it this time, either. While reading the story, I always start to suspect everything and everyone but in the end Mary Higgins Clark is always able to surprise me.

Where are you now is an easy to read novel and not too long either. It is not the best novel ever written by Mary Higgins Clark but I still enjoyed it and read it in a few hours. It is really entertaining and not boring at all. All crime fans who love solving puzzles and love following police as well as private investigations, will like this book as much as I did. It had everything you would expect from a Mary Higgins Clark story.

More information about Mary Higgins Clark and her novels can be found here.

Rating: ★★★☆

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